Tuesday 21 August 2012

JavaOne 2012, here I come

Almost time for JavaOne 2012, the biggest geekfest this side of Betelgeuse Five.  I will be speaking again this year, and this time I have both a conference session as well as a birds-of-a-feather session.  If you're going to be at JavaOne, have an interest in in-memory data grids, distributed caching, performance, scalability and NoSQL, do drop in to one of my talks.

The first one is the BoF - early evening on Monday, the 1st of October, where I host the BoF titled "JSR 347, Data Grids, and NoSQL". This BoF is an interactive session targeted at anyone with an interest in standards around data grids and NoSQL, where I would like to discuss the overlaps, convergence and divergence, and of course standards around such technologies.

The second one, a conference session titled "Making Apps Scale with CDI and Data Grids"is a demo-driven talk on building applications to make use of data grids and distributed caching for performance and scalability, using the popular CDI programming model.  Some familiarity with CDI is expected.

In addition to the above two talks, I will also be speaking at the Red Hat booth on data grids, NoSQL and related subjects.  So do drop by and say hello!


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