Wednesday 30 July 2014

Cross site replication with JBoss Data Grid

Are you afraid the Death Star or the Vogon Constructor Fleet are going to blow up your data on the Earth ? 
Navin Surtani has recorded a nice video demonstrating the use of JBoss Data Grid Cross-Site Replication and how it can be used to keep backups of your precious data off-site.

The code for the demo is also available. Enjoy.

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Infinispan Security #3: HotRod authentication

Let's continue our excursus into the security features that are being developed within Infinispan 7.0 by having a look at how our high-performance cache remoting protocol HotRod was enhanced to support authentication.

Since Infinispan 5.3, HotRod has featured SSL/TLS support which, aside from encryption, also provides some form of authentication by optionally requiring client certificates. While this does indeed stop unauthorized clients from connecting to a remote cache, the level of access-control ends there. Now that we have full role-based authorization checks at the cache and container level, we want to be able to recognize users and map their roles accordingly.

As usual, we didn't want to reinvent the wheel, but leverage existing security frameworks and integrate them into our existing platform. For this reason, the protocol chosen to implement HotRod authentication is SASL, which is in widespread use in other connection-oriented transports (e.g. LDAP, Memached, etc).

Using SASL we can support the following authentication mechanisms out of the box (since they are part of the standard JDK/JRE):
  • PLAIN where credentials are exchanged in clear-text (insecure, but easieast to setup)
  • DIGEST-MD5 where credentials are hashed using server-provided nonces
  • GSSAPI where clients can use Kerberos tokens
  • EXTERNAL where the client-certificate identity of the underlying transport is used as the credentials
More SASL mechanisms can be plugged in by using the Java Cryptography Archictecture (JCA).

Since our preferred server distribution is based on a stripped-down WildFly server, we are essentially reusing the Security Realms of the container. This gives us the ability to validate users and to also retrieve group membership. against a number of sources (property files, LDAP, etc).

The following is an example server configuration which uses the ApplicationRealm to authenticate and authorize users. Since the <identity-role-mapper> is in use, role names will be mapped 1:1 from the realm into Infinispan roles.
The HotRod endpoint is using the SASL PLAIN mechanism. Note that two caches have been defined: the default cache, without authorization, and a secured cache, which instead requires authorization. This means that remote clients can access the default cache anonymously, but they will need to authenticate if they want to access the secured cache.
The following bit of code explains how to use the HotRod Java client to connect to the secured cache defined above:
All of the above is already available in Infinispan 7.0.0.Alpha5, so head on over to the download page to experience the goodness.

Monday 28 July 2014

Upcoming Infinispan 7.0.0 Map/Reduce is blazing fast


Our enthusiasm about Infinispan Map/Reduce implementation has been a driving impetus for new features and spectacular performance improvements we have achieved in the past months. As we approach the final Infinispan 7 release, we can not keep quiet about these improvements any longer. We wanted to share the most significant new Map/Reduce features as well as a rather important performance improvement along with the details on how we achieved it.

New features

In the new features category, the most notable is a scalability improvement that allows storage of MapReduceTask's results in a distributed cache instead of returning results to the calling application. Infinispan now gives users the option to specify a target cache to store the results of an executed MapReduceTask. The results are available after the execute method (which is synchronous) completes. This new variant of the execute method prevents the master JVM node from exceeding its allowed maximum heap size.  Users could, for example, utilize the new execute method if objects that are the results of the reduce phase have a large memory footprint or if multiple MapReduceTasks are concurrently executing on the master task node. We have provided two variants of the new execute method:

We also enhanced parallel execution of map/reduce functions at each node and improved handling of intermediate results. Users can now specify custom intermediate cache for a particular MapReduceTask.

Performance improvements

Infinispan 7 makes a rather big leap from a single threaded to a parallel execution model of both map and reduce phases on each Infinispan grid node. The final result of this change is on average fivefold faster execution of your typical MapReduceTask.

Even though map and reduce phases are sequential we can still execute the map and reduce phases themselves in parallel. If you recall, although Infinispan 6 executes map and reduce phases on all nodes in parallel, execution on each node itself is single-threaded. Similarly, reduce phase although executed on multiple nodes in parallel, each node executes its portion of the reduction on a single thread.

Since we baselined Infinispan 7 on JDK 7, we decided to experiment with fork/join threading framework for parallel execution of both map and reduce phases [2]. If you recall fork/join framework enables high performance, parallel, fine-grained task execution in Java. Although parallel, recursively decomposable tasks are well suited for fork/join framework it may come as a surprise that parallel iteration of entries in arrays, maps and other collections represents a good fit as well. And do we have a well-suited candidate for parallel fork/join iteration - cache's data container itself! In fact, most of the work is related to iterating entries from the data container and invoking map/combine and reduce function on those entries.

Map/combine phase is particularly interesting. Even if we use the fork/join framework map and combine phases are distinct and until now - serially executed. Having serial execution of map and combine is not the only downside as map phase can be rather memory intensive. After all, it has to store all intermediate results into provided collectors. Combine phase takes produced intermediate values for a particular key and combines it into a single intermediate value. Therefore, it would very useful to periodically invoke combine on map produced keys/values thus limiting the total amount of memory used for map phase. So the question is how do we execute map/combine in parallel efficiently thus speeding up execution and at the same time limiting the memory used? We found the answer in producer/consumer threading paradigm.

In our case producers are fork/join threads that during map phase iterate key/value data container and invoke Mapper's map function. Map function transformation produces intermediate results stored into the Infinispan provided queue of collectors. Consumers are also fork/join threads that invoke combine function on key/value entries in those collectors. Note that this way map/combine phase execution itself becomes parallel, and phases of mapping and combing are no longer serial. In the end, we have notably lowered memory usage and significantly improved overall speed execution of map/combine algorithm at the same time.

Performance lab results

Although initial performance results were more than promising, we were not satisfied. The throughput peaked for 32KB cache values but was much lower for larger and smaller values in our tests. We went back to the drawing board and devised the above-described map/combine algorithm using fork/join framework and producer/consumer approach. This time the results from the performance lab were excellent. For more details on performance tests and hardware used please refer to [1].

As you can see from the graphs below we have improved performance for all cache value sizes. We were not able to significantly improve throughput for the largest 1MB and 2MB cache values. For all other cache value sizes, we have seen on average five-fold throughput improvement. As throughput improvement is directly proportional to MapReduceTask speed of execution improvement, our users should expect their MapReduceTasks to execute, on average, five times faster in Infinispan 7 than in Infinispan 6.

[2] We back ported relevant classes so users can still run Infinispan 7 on JVM 6

Thursday 24 July 2014

Infinispan Security #2: Authorization Reloaded and Auditing

Since the last post on Infinispan Security, there have been a few changes related to how we handle authorization in Infinispan. All of these are available in the recently released 7.0.0.Alpha5.

Authorization Performance

Previously we mentioned the need to use a SecurityManager and in order to achieve authorization in embedded mode. Unfortunately those components have a severe performance impact. In particular, retrieving the current Subject from the AccessControlContext adds, on my test environment, 3.5µs per call. Since the execution of a Cache.put takes about 0.5µs when authorization is not in use, this means that every invocation is 8x slower.

For this reason we have introduced an alternative for those of you (hopefully the majority), that do not need to use a SecurityManager and can avoid the AccessControlContext: invoke your PrivilegedActions using the new method, which uses a ThreadLocal to store the current Subject. Using this new approach, the overhead per invocation falls to 0.5µs: a 7x improvement !
Security.doAs() is actually smart: if it detects that a SecurityManager is in use, it will fallback to retrieving the Subject via the AccessControlContext, so you don't need to decide what approach you will be using in production. The following chart shows the impact of using each approach when compared to running without authorization:


An essential part of an authorization framework, is the ability to track WHO is doing WHAT (or is being prevented from doing it !). Infinispan now offers a pluggable audit framework which you can use to track the execution of cache/container operations. The default audit logger sends audit messages to your logging framework of choice (e.g. Log4J), but you can write your own to take any appropriate actions you deem appropriate for your security policies.

As usual, for more details, check out the Security chapter in the Infinispan documentation and the JavaDocs.

Thursday 17 July 2014

Infinispan 7.0.0.Alpha5 relased!

Dear Community,

It is our pleasure to announce the Alpha5 release of Infinispan 7.0.0. This release includes numerous fixes and enhancements in every area of Infinispan. This will be our last alpha release as we move into beta stage and prepare for the final Infinispan 7.0 release.

Major theme of this release is Hot Rod eventing. Java Hot Rod clients can now subscribe to cache entry created, modified and removed events. For more details see  documentation. Infinispan Query is now based on Hibernate Search 5; we also use protoparser lib instead of relying on binary descriptors generated by protoc. Our JPA cache store works in Karaf; we have also made further Map/Reduce improvements and bug fixes. Starting with this release Infinispan server is based on WildFly 8.1 while Hot Rod SASL implementation supports QOP for encryption.

For a complete list of features and bug fixes included in this release please refer to the release notes. Visit our downloads section to find the latest release.

If you have any questions please check our forums, our mailing lists or ping us directly on IRC.

The Infinispan team.