Thursday 28 January 2016

Infinispan at Snowcamp 2016

Last week the first ever Snowcamp was held in Grenoble where I presented about "Distributed Data Processing with Infinispan and Java Streams".

The conference was very enjoyable with multiple tracks focused on Big Data, web technologies (with a big emphasis on Javascript), devops, and software development. Emmanuel, Mickael and the rest of the team did an awesome job at organising the conference in record time with very good attendance numbers :)

The talk went well and fortunately the demo gods were with me that day :). The code of the demo can be found in this Github repository. The slides will be available soon.

Of the presentations I attended, I was particularly impressed with the Apache Zeppelin talk that Saad Ansari presented where he demonstrated how to do interactive data analysis on top of Apache Spark, very cool!

It was a pleasure being selected to talk at Snowcamp and hope that next year I can speak there too!


Wednesday 13 January 2016

SnowCamp and Voxxed Days Bucharest, here I come!!

I'll be presenting about Infinispan's in a couple of conferences over the next few months:

First up is SnowCamp 2016, a conference taking place in Grenoble from 21st to 23rd January. The talk I'm presenting is titled "Distributed Data Processing with Infinispan and Java Streams". Java 8 has made data processing easier than ever and with the help of Infinispan, that data processing can easily be done in a distributed manner. This talk is focused on showing how to use Java Streams to do distributed data processing with Infinispan, and how this approach compares with other data processing APIs Infinispan exposes.

Next, on the 11th of March I'll be in Bucharest to speak at Voxxed Days Bucharest where I'll again be talking about Distributed Data Processing with Infinispan and Java Streams.

So, if you're in Grenoble or Bucharest, make sure you come to SnowCamp or Voxxed Days Bucharest to learn about Infinispan!! :)
