My talk was on Thursday at 15:00. It was very exciting for me because I was live-coding in front of so many people for the first time! I got very valuable feedback from attendees and speakers to improve my content, live-coding skills and encouragements to submit this talk to other user groups and conferences this year.
This presentation focuses on the work we have been doing to provide a new API available in Infinispan 9.2 (final release coming very very soon!!!): Clustered Locks. These locks are distributed and non blocking, allowing us to synchronise protected code between different Infinispan nodes across a cluster.
It's a 45 minutes talk, so I'm not presenting the API just from the user point of view; instead I go deep into the actual Clustered Locks internals. We have built this first implementation on top of existing Infinispan's APIs, which proves that they can be used to do much more than just speeding your applications and caching!
The first user of these locks is the Vert.x-Infinispan Cluster Manager. Before going into the implementation details, I show how to create a cluster of Vert.x applications using Infinispan and a simple example of when and how to use a Vert.x Lock. Underneath Vert.x Locks, the next release of the cluster manager will be using the Clustered Locks API. I'm preparing a longer article on this matter, so stay tuned! Meanwhile, enjoy the presentation slides!