Thursday 30 July 2009

More JUG talks

Adrian Cole and I recently presented at a JUGs in Krakow and Dublin, on Infinispan and JClouds.

Krakow was great - and hot: 39 degree weather! (Don't we just love global warming?) Anna Kolodziejczyk at Proidea (who also organises JDD) organised the event, which attracted an excited and interactive audience of about 40 people. Dublin, beautiful as always, was a polar opposite in terms of weather: a cloudy, windy and wet day, living up to its reputation. Luan O'Carroll of DUBJUG organised the event, at the plush Odessa Club. Again, an inquisitive audience of about 35 people attended, with a lot of questions on the future of data storage in clouds. Thomas Diesler of JBoss OSGi fame made a surprise guest appearance too.

In general, the talks have been very well received and have provoked thought and discussion. As requested by many, I will soon be recording a podcast of this talk and will make it available on this blog.

Apart from a JUG I hope to organise soon in London, the next time I speak about Infinispan publicly will be at JBoss World in September. Hope to see you there!


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