Wednesday 28 October 2009

First release candidate now available

Infinispan 4.0.0.CR1 is now available for download. This is an important release, containing several critical bug fixes on the last beta. Performance has improved too, with a better default JGroups stack. Many thanks to the multitude of contributors and committers who have worked hard to make this release a possibility.

A full change log is available on JIRA. Downloads and documentation are in the usual place. Please test this release with anger; feedback is critical to a high-quality final release. The user forums should be used to provide such feedback.



  1. Congratulation with the release Manik!

    Peter Veentjer

  2. Congrats on the release - lot of good work and great software...

  3. fantastic!

    can't wait for the pojo version of it though :-)
    do you have an ETA for that Manik?

  4. @Ferry there won't be a POJO version, per-se. For fine-grained replication though, there will be a new JPA-like API which offers the same features of fine-grained replication. See ISPN-24 for details.

  5. so I can then use ISPN as a backend with hibernate? cool.

  6. I wanted to give those of you coming to Devoxx a heads up - the Seam team will be holding their annual face to face meeting in Antwerp around Devoxx this year. Taking advantage of this, we are we are planning a community event for Friday, after the main conference finishes. The location is still TBD.

