Tuesday 14 December 2010

Maven Archetypes

To help you jump-start a new project using Infinispan, we now have Maven Archetypes you can use.  If you don't know what a Maven Archetype is, you should read this article which explains archetypes in more detail.  Of course, this assumes that you are using Maven as a build tool.

We've created two separate archetypes for Infinispan.  The first sets you up with a clean, new directory structure and sample code for a new Infinispan project, including sample configuration files and skeleton code, as well as a Maven pom.xml descriptor containing all necessary dependencies.

The second archetype is targeted towards people using Infinispan and want to report bugs and contribute tests to the project.  It sets up a new project with a skeleton functional test, including all of Infinispan's test helper utilities to simulate network setup and failure from within a test.  More important, the generated skeleton test is structured such that it can easily be assimilated into Infinispan's core test suite if necessary.

For more information on these archetypes, including a simple step-by-step guide, read http://community.jboss.org/wiki/InfinispanMavenArchetypes


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